A few months back I had a call from Anna Prior, Project Administrator of the British Airways i360 with responsibility for marketing projects and procurement. Anna and I had met a few years ago via Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce, and she was looking for a partner to translate various marketing items, including the i360 app.
We were obviously very keen to be involved with such an exciting local project, and were delighted to be appointed back in the Spring of 2016 – the i360 does all it can to engage local suppliers who pay the Living Wage and belong to the local Chamber, which made us the perfect match.
This assignment involves translations into 9 languages with four different alphabets (so far!). At ABC Translations we particularly enjoy multi-lingual projects involving multiple documents – co-ordinating the various texts in different languages can be challenging but ultimately hugely rewarding. And being a local company was certainly an advantage for this job, as so much of the text relates to Sussex beauty spots, tourist attractions and architecture.
A local news item about the change of name of Brighton’s famous pier prompted an immediate email to the client to discuss how to amend the English copy, fortunately before all the translations had been completed! It was also very handy to be able to discuss the details of such different areas as Chanctonbury Ring and Kemp Town with translators from around the world to ensure that all the nuances of the descriptions were fully understood.
Once the initial translations had been completed and proofread, the translated app content was uploaded and checked again to ensure that everything was in the right place and reading correctly.
I was delighted to be invited for a private preview flight on the i360 on 3 August, the day the app went live, and just before the tower opened to the public. Knowing so much about the construction and the views certainly enhanced the experience (you honestly can’t even feel the pod moving!), and I still get a proprietary thrill when I hear the tower mentioned in the national media.